Headaches are becoming ever more common in todays busy life. Sometimes headaches do not last long but for others they cause severe pain and discomfort, often preventing people carrying out their daily routine.
More often than not these headaches arise from tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back caused by poor work posture. Other causes can include eye strain and sinus congestion.
Migraines are often more serious and debilitating causing severe pain, sensitivity to light and blurred vision. Migraines often occur due to changes in blood flow to the head. These are often preceded by one or more triggers (coffee and chocolate are common)
Osteopathic treatment helps headaches by alleviating the tension in these muscles, increasing the movement in the joints of the neck and upper back, and with advice on how to remove the stressors on these muscles and improve your head posture. Migraines can be a little more difficult to treat, and often the best way to prevent them is to understand individual triggers. However osteopathy can help by improving muscle balance, posture and circulation. This treatment will often reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.