We have an excellent online booking system where you can book and change appointments instantly. However if you would rather speak to us please give us a call.
ADDRESS Shore Osteopaths is located at: 1B/5 Ceres Court, Rosedale, Auckland
Parking There are 3 car parks available outside the building. - please look for the Shore Osteopath signs.
We have a fantastic alternative parking option, having gained permission from the Millennium Institute to use their car park which is free of charge for the first 90 minutes and is a 1-2 minute walk down the road.
IMPORTANT - you must enter your license plate into the machine to get the 90 minutes free.
Our Central City practice If you work in the city and don't want to rush after work to an appointment try our Central City Osteopaths practice.
Central City Osteopaths is based on High St in the heart of Auckland City. The practice is within walking distance of most workplaces. If you would like to book an appointment at Central City Osteopaths click here.